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Packard Foundation joins philanthropic institutions condemning the violence at the U.S. Capitol and calls on leaders to protect democracy

Today the Packard Foundation joined more than 55 philanthropic institutions in signing a letter condemning the violence at the U.S. Capitol this week, calling on elected leaders to protect democracy, and urging them to move forward with addressing the nation’s pressing challenges.

The signers stated that “safeguarding the health, security, and rights of people and communities requires a government whose leaders can accept the election results, bridge divisions that have roiled our nation, work in good faith to forge solutions, and stand up for democracy.” The letter also called on elected leaders to “repair our tattered social fabric and help our democracy live up to its ideals.”

While the Packard Foundation is a nonpartisan, charitable organization, we recognize that as a member of civil society we also have a responsibility to stand up for our democracy and support a peaceful transfer of power. The Foundation will continue to remain a steadfast voice, calling for what is right and fair, and striving to secure the structures and processes that ensure our grantee partners can thrive. As we look to the path ahead, we, along with our philanthropic colleagues, stand ready to work with our elected leaders to move our country forward and bring lasting change for people and planet. It’s time to start the long road to healing and commit to rebuilding a more equitable and just country.

The full text of the letter, including signatories, can be found here.

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