The overarching goal of my lab is to understand the fundamental behavior of RNA and proteins and, in turn, how these behaviors determine and impact biology more broadly. We are particularly interested in questions of how enzymes work, how RNA folds, how proteins recognize RNA, and the roles of RNA/protein interactions in regulation and control, and the evolution of molecules and molecular interactions. Our group takes an interdisciplinary approach, spanning and integrating physics, chemistry and biology, and employing a wide range of techniques.
Awards and Achievements
- Faculty Award for Student Services, Stanford School of Medicine ( 2012)
- ASBMB William Rose Award ( 2010)
- AAAS Fellow (American Association for the Advancement of Science) ( 2005)
- NIH Merit Award ( 2002-2012)
- Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society ( 2000)
- Established Investigator of the American Heart Association ( 1998-2002)
- Pfizer Award for Enzyme Chemistry form the Division of Biological Chemistry of the American Chemical Society ( 1997)
- David and Lucile Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering ( 1995-2000)
- Lucille P. Markey Scholar in Biomedical Science ( 1990-1997)
- Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Fellowship ( 1989-1990)
- Gillette Foundation Fellowship ( 1986-1987)
- Award for Excellence in Biochemistry ( 1982)
- American Institute of Chemists Award in Biochemistry ( 1982)
- Phi Beta Kappa ( 1979)
- James B. Angell Scholar ( 1978,1979)
- National Academy of Sciences ( 2018)