
State of California Department of Health Care Services

California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is the backbone of California’s health care safety net, helping millions of low-income and disabled Californians each and every day. ​The mission of DHCS is to provide Californians with access to affordable, integrated, high-quality health care, including medical, dental, mental health, substance use treatment services and long-term care.

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8 Grants / $1,842,000

Funding Areas


for phase 2 of the Birthing Care Pathway aimed at improving health outcomes and reducing disparities from conception through 12 months postpartum for pregnant and postpartum individuals


for support of reducing maternal health disparities and increasing and coordinating Medi-Cal, WIC, and CalFresh enrollment


in support of housing work through flexible housing subsidy pools


to develop and disseminate a comprehensive postpartum care pathway to serve as a state standard over 12 months


for the Birthing Care Pathway which is aimed at improving health outcomes and reducing disparities from conception through 12 months postpartum for pregnant and postpartum individuals


for the development of maternity care quality measures to address the gap in its ability to monitor the quality and health equity of maternity services being provided to Medi-Cal recipients


for project support for the development of a robust data sharing system between the California Department of Health Care Services, the California Department of Public Health, and the California Department of Social Services to identify and enroll eligible individuals in Medi-Cal, WIC, and Cal-Fresh


to support the project management activities for developing a strategic plan between the Department of Health Care Services, the California Department of Public Health, and the California Department of Social Services to maximize enrollment of eligible Medi-Cal children and families into the Cal-Fresh program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children