Grantee Name: European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $200,000
Grantee Name: Exhale An After-Abortion Counseling Talkline Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $100,000
Grantee Name: Facilitators for Change Civil Society Organization Grants Received: 5 grants Total Amount: $804,992
Grantee Name: Families in Transition of Santa Cruz County Grants Received: 3 grants Total Amount: $415,000
Grantee Name: Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia Grants Received: 5 grants Total Amount: $2,849,000
Grantee Name: Family Values at Work A Multi-State Consortium Inc. Grants Received: 10 grants Total Amount: $1,685,000
Grantee Name: Fédération Européene pour le Transport et l’Environnement AISBL Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $750,000
Grantee Name: Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $450,000
Grantee Name: Feminist Approach to Technology Society Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $150,000
Grantee Name: First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $50,000
Grantee Name: Fondo Mexicano para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, A.C. Grants Received: 8 grants Total Amount: $2,011,450