Grantee Name: Environmental Justice Community Action Network Grants Received: 3 grants Total Amount: $240,000
Grantee Name: Ethio-Wetlands and Natural Resources Association Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $200,000
Grantee Name: Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $250,000
Grantee Name: Facilitators for Change Civil Society Organization Grants Received: 5 grants Total Amount: $804,992
Grantee Name: Fédération Européene pour le Transport et l’Environnement AISBL Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $750,000
Grantee Name: Food and Environment Reporting Network Inc. Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $50,000
Grantee Name: Fundación para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $600,000
Grantee Name: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry Grants Received: 3 grants Total Amount: $700,000
Grantee Name: International Council on Clean Transportation Grants Received: 3 grants Total Amount: $1,293,000
Grantee Name: International Council on Clean Transportation Europe Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $400,000
Grantee Name: International Fund for Agricultural Development Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $200,000
Grantee Name: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $392,700
Grantee Name: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $200,000
Grantee Name: Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN) Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $200,000
Grantee Name: Komite Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $450,000
Grantee Name: Kulich Youth Reproductive Health and Development Organization Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $100,000
Grantee Name: Lembaga Pengkajian, Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dan Anak Papua (LP3AP) Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $80,000
Grantee Name: Lembaga Penjelidikan Ekonomi dan Masjarakat of the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia Grants Received: 3 grants Total Amount: $699,275