Grantee Name: Royal Institute of International Affairs Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $324,858
Grantee Name: RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Association Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $450,000
Grantee Name: SELPER BRASIL – Associação De Especialistas Latinoamericanos em Sensoriamento Remoto Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $40,000
Grantee Name: Siiqqee Women’s Development Association Grants Received: 5 grants Total Amount: $617,600
Grantee Name: Solutions for Our Climate (Sadan Beobin Gihoo Solution) Grants Received: 3 grants Total Amount: $900,000
Grantee Name: Stichting Corporate Europe Observatory Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $100,000
Grantee Name: Stichting European Climate Foundation Grants Received: 8 grants Total Amount: $12,513,000
Grantee Name: Stichting High Carbon Stock Approach Foundation Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $255,000
Grantee Name: The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $350,000
Grantee Name: The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Development and Social Service Commission Grants Received: 4 grants Total Amount: $926,000
Grantee Name: The Regents of the University of California – Los Angeles Grants Received: 21 grants Total Amount: $8,177,531
Grantee Name: The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples Inc. Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $110,000
Grantee Name: UKK PPM Asia Research Centre Universitas Indonesia Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $695,000
Grantee Name: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Grants Received: 4 grants Total Amount: $1,850,000