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Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

A sustainable, comprehensive, paid family leave policy is important to ensure that adults can take the time they need to nurture young children so that they grow up healthy, confident, and ready to learn.  With shelter-in-place, social distancing, and quarantine orders in effect across the country as a result of COVID-19, families have had to adjust to new realities, including the complexities of providing care to children and … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The past several weeks have been unprecedented, as the world has reeled in the face of COVID-19. Families, communities, and entire countries are facing complex challenges every day—some are shifting routines and juggling home schooling and careers, while others are folding up life-long businesses, and still others are losing loved ones to the disease. It … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

This message was shared with the Packard Foundation’s Mission Investing partners on March 20, 2020. To Our Mission Investing Partners, The rapid spread of COVID-19 has created a global health and economic crisis that is testing every one of us. We know that the shocks of this temporary “new normal” are severe and unanticipated for … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Dear Grantee Partners, As the wide-ranging implications of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to unfold, we recognize the profound impacts this is having on each of you, both professionally and personally. During this unprecedented time, the Packard Foundation’s primary focus is to accommodate, as best we can, the unique demands shouldered by our grantees. We want … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

UPDATE: As of April 14, the Foundation has extended its office closure indefinitely; our staff will continue to work from home during this time. Like many of you, we have been monitoring the fast-changing developments on coronavirus (COVID-19). We understand that many communities have been affected, and that the economic and emotional hardships of this … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Today, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and Getty Images released more than 150 high-quality editorial images celebrating the power and vibrancy of women and youth in Rwanda. As part of the Images of Empowerment collection, these new images are available free of charge for non-commercial use. The new Rwanda collection of photographs can be … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

As individuals around the world celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, they can use powerful, positive photographs from Getty Images that show women’s lives and their work in eleven countries. The newly expanded Images of Empowerment collection, created by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, features 2,000 … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Photography is a powerful medium for telling stories, yet too often nonprofits working on the most important issues of our time — like gender equality — don’t have affordable or easy access to high-quality, positive images to tell their stories and inspire action. Stock images that are most available often focus on poverty and need … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

As part of the Packard Foundation’s ongoing efforts to improve our work, the Foundation has solicited anonymous feedback from grantee partners since 1996. After feedback indicated we needed to improve interactions between grantees and Foundation staff, the Foundation created our first Grantee Experience Standards (GES) in 2007. These original four standards were transactional in nature, … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The Packard Foundation is committed to establishing and maintaining effective relationships with our grantees, and to that end, has solicited anonymous feedback from grantee partners since 1996. As part of its response to this ongoing feedback, the Foundation created its first Grantee Experience Standards (GES) in 2007. In 2019, the Foundation updated the GES, and … Continued