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Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

As the world’s fastest growing economy – and most coal dependent – China is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide on the planet. Due in large part to historical inefficiencies in its heavy industry, the country consumes 20 percent of the world’s energy and has a big opportunity to reduce its carbon emissions while also … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Step into any kitchen across India, China or parts of Southeast Asia and you’ll likely find a bottle of amber colored palm oil next to the stove. In some parts of the world, the use of palm oil in cooking is as ubiquitous as olive oil in Italy. In fact, you probably enjoy palm oil … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

With nearly 250 million light duty vehicles on the road, the United States has the largest automotive fleet in the world. Annual new vehicle sales in the U.S. are second only to China’s. But cars and trucks are among the world’s leading sources of greenhouse gas pollution. The transportation sector produces almost 30 percent of … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The Emerging Leaders Playbook offers a comprehensive guide for emerging leaders and their supervisors to help them make sense of the changing nature of leadership.

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

This report is a compilation of the findings from the three research projects, which broaden our understanding of caregivers’ motivations and experiences, and provides a more nuanced depiction of the adults who are caring for our youngest children.

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The infographic is based on internal and published Foundation documents, evaluation reports, inputs from Foundation staff and the lead evaluator of the Foundation’s work in early childhood education.

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

In the fall of 1933, when David Packard and Lucile Salter first met, Lucile was a volunteer at the Stanford Convalescent Home for Children, a facility that treated children with tuberculosis. Lucile cared deeply for the health and well-being of children, and over the next few decades she would greatly expand her commitment to children’s causes. Eventually, … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation recently announced that two longstanding board members, Cole Wilbur and William K. Reilly, have retired from their 15 years of service on the Board of Trustees, each having served through June 2014. Cole Wilbur joined the Board of Trustees in 1999, following a 23-year tenure as the president of … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The Colorado Plateau is under tremendous stress because of development that is straining natural resources and endangering biodiversity. Jim Enote, director of the Colorado Plateau Foundation is engaging with tribal communities around shared sustainability priorities to sustain Colorado Plateau lands, waters, and culture for generations to come.  

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The Foundation celebrated the 25th year of the Packard Fellowships in Science and Engineering with a reunion of former and current Fellows in Denver, Colorado.  The Packard Fellowship program was established in 1988 to allow the nation’s most promising scientists to pursue science and engineering research early in their careers with few funding restrictions and … Continued