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Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

In Nigeria, one of the key challenges faced by families working to pull themselves out of poverty is access to credit; women, in particular, often lack resources or access to knowledge to improve income at the household level. In real terms, credit offers the ability to buy the tools and supplies that support a farm … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Tamara Kreinin will join the Foundation as Program Director for the Foundation’s Population and Reproductive Health Program in July 2012.  In this role, Kreinin will lead the Foundation’s grantmaking to slow population growth in high-fertility areas and to ensure individual reproductive health and rights to improve the quality of life.  Currently, the Packard Foundation is … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

At the hands of her abusive husband, Lisa had endured years of fear and pain. She had suffered several broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken jaw. Lisa felt trapped, both psychologically and economically. But, when her four children—the two oldest from an earlier relationship and the two youngest with her new husband—also became targets … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Few rivers can measure up to the Colorado River’s scale, beauty, and value. This complex and diverse waterway provides habitat for many species as it carves a 1,500 mile path from Wyoming to the Gulf of California in Mexico. Despite its importance, the Colorado River is at risk. Its water fuels industry, irrigates 3.5 million … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

This tool takes users through four basic steps that generate the core elements of an advocacy evaluation plan, including what will be measured and how.