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Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

In 1964 when David and Lucile Packard set up a family foundation to provide philanthropic support for the issues most important to them, they could not have predicted or imagined the world we live in today. In fact, when David Packard was asked to write down a vision for the Foundation after Lucile passed away, … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

“Indigenous youths are the future leaders and policymakers. We are doing our part to keep the knowledge alive and language alive, and I think that’s really the face or the picture of what hope is.”  — Monica Ndoen, the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago, Indonesia (AMAN), as told to the New York Times There is … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Shirley and her husband Jason had a plan for the birth of their baby. When Shirley went into labor, they would go to the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. They just hadn’t planned on going so soon. But when Shirley’s water broke just 24 weeks into her pregnancy, confused and worried, they rushed to Packard … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Today we are delighted to announce the 2022 class of Packard Fellows, a group of 20 innovative early-career scientists and engineers who are boldly pursuing new areas of research.

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

As we work in service of our new vision and mission, we are prioritizing our commitment to deepening our understanding of who we fund.  We continue to learn from our grantee partners about how to be better partners and together advance progress on our shared goals. And we can’t do that without having data. As a data-driven organization, … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

“At the Packard Foundation, we believe justice, equity and diversity are absolutely essential for achieving our ocean conservation goals.” Julie Packard Executive director, Monterey Bay Aquarium Board member, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation June 2022. More than 6,000 people. Twenty-four heads of state and government. Over two thousand organizations. The second United Nations Ocean … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

This is a dark day in America, marking one of the most consequential setbacks to women’s rights in decades. Today the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade in a case originating in Mississippi.  As a result, we have now lost the right to make our own health care decisions – a right supported by … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The albatross is a magnificent but elusive creature that spends much of its life airborne and at sea. If you have been fortunate enough to see one of these winged giants in flight, it is an image that stays with you. With the largest wingspan of any bird, the wandering albatross can cover up to … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The ocean makes life on our planet possible. It delivers the oxygen we breathe, regulates our climate, and provides food for billions of people. Ocean health and human well-being are inseparable – and yet they are at a shared Continued overfishing and climate change are putting pressure on the ocean and damaging its ability to sustain … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

A conversation with Kim Moore Bailey, President and Chief Executive Officer of Justice Outside, on the critical need for action to increase environmental justice. Our U.S. Marine Program Officer, Heather Ludemann, connected with Kim Moore Bailey, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Justice Outside, a partner who is transforming the outdoor and environmental movement … Continued