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Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation has appointed Dr. Celeste Nelson, a Chemical and Biological Engineer at Princeton University, to the Advisory Panel of the Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering. Dr. Nelson is a 2008 Packard Fellow and joins the prestigious group of scientists and engineers responsible for selecting a class of Fellows each … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

A CONVERSATION WITH RACHEL KERESTES, THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE IS US, ON HOW A MORE INCLUSIVE DEFINITION OF WHO A SCIENTIST IS CHANGES EVERYTHING.   If you want to advance support for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and its use in public policy, you have to make it relevant to a wide segment of … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

People do not experience the world through single, discreet issue spaces. Rather, they are impacted by a whole host of social, economic, cultural, and environmental dynamics that intersect and influence their reality. Those dynamics get codified into systems and institutions that further shape our world and our communities. So, it should come as no surprise … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

This International Women’s Day, the Packard Foundation joins the global challenge to #BreakTheBias by imagining a gender equal world: a world where people of all genders are valued, supported, and able to meaningfully contribute to their communities. When women and girls, in all their diversity, have the resources and power to make decisions about their … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Women and gender-diverse people play a critical role in the seafood industry – 50 percent of workers that bring seafood to global markets are women according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Despite this, systemic inequities – including lack of legal protections, limited political representation, and underrepresentation in company … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation is pleased to announce that Ko Barrett has joined its Board of Trustees. Barrett is a globally recognized expert on climate policy and a champion for gender equity in science. She currently serves as the senior advisor for climate at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and was … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Since 2009, the Packard Foundation has surveyed our local Bay Area grantee partners to better understand and monitor the context in which these organizations work, as well as their organizational strengths and needs. In 2021, the survey was designed to focus on the major issues of this time including the continued impacts of the coronavirus … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

What if scientists were only limited by their curiosity and not by gender? Women are typically awarded smaller research grants than their male colleagues and, while they represent 33.3% of all researchers, only 12% of the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine members are women, according to the U.N. Today, on International Day of … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

Over the Packard Foundation’s nearly 60-year history, we have worked with thousands of organizations and leaders in the U.S. and worldwide to advance progress in the critical areas of science, ocean and land conservation, climate change, women’s reproductive health and rights, and the well-being of children, families, and communities. At a time of multiple, intertwined … Continued

Author: visceral_dev_Admin

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation recently announced that Susan Packard Orr and Nancy Burnett have retired from the Foundation’s board of trustees. Orr and Burnett are daughters of David and Lucile Packard and two of the organization’s longest-serving trustees. In celebrating their retirement, the Foundation’s President and CEO Nancy Lindborg noted, “Nancy and Susan’s … Continued