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Awardee Category: Youth

Awardee Category: Youth

The Paradigm Youth Network Organization will develop ‘WeAskLucyBot,’ an artificial intelligence-powered bot that provide young people with evidence-based, quality sexual and reproductive health information in Kenya. Quality in reproductive and sexual health services means access to high quality health services and support for safe practices that can improve physical and emotional well-being and reduce teen … Continued

Awardee Category: Youth

EngenderHealth will create a network of youth bloggers in Côte d’Ivoire to elevate youth voices on sexual and reproductive health and rights and share evidence-based information on abortion. EngenderHealth is tapping into social media to positively influence the conversation around sexual and reproductive health and rights in Côte d’Ivoire. EngenderHealth will create and amplify an … Continued

Awardee Category: Youth

Youth Lead and Y-Peer Asia-Pacific and Disabilities 2030 will implement activities focused on increasing awareness around SRHR for young people with disabilities with a particular focus on the deaf community by implementing awareness campaigns and building the capacity of peer educators, government officials and civil society organizations in Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan. The premise of … Continued

Awardee Category: Youth

Working in partnership, researchers at UCSF and Maseno University will help address critical gaps in research and evidence-building by equipping a cohort of young women with greater knowledge of the research process, competency to conduct research that is most relevant to their own interests and transferable skills to improve their chances of gaining employment with … Continued

Awardee Category: Youth

ECDD will address barriers in accessing health care services and SRHR information and knowledge by enhancing the MINCH platform, a zero-cost digital platform which uses Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology to deliver voice-based sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)-related information to persons with disabilities in various parts of Ethiopia, rural or urban. To ensure … Continued

Awardee Category: Youth

The Pleasure Project and TabuTabu will be building out Ana Autoestima (AA), a pleasure-based sexuality education platform in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and integrating monitoring and evaluation efforts to collect data that tests and validates measures of pleasure and sexual wellbeing as key indicators for gender equality and empowerment. The key aspects of this proposal … Continued