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Discipline: Biological Sciences

Discipline: Biological Sciences

The Kiger laboratory is studying central roles for cellular membrane trafficking that controls tissue remodeling and homeostasis. We have uncovered how spatiotemporal regulation of specific lipids coordinate dynamic cellular organization. Using a foundation in genetic and cell biology experiments in the fruit fly, Drosophila, we have linked specific lipid kinase and phosphatase activities to cellular … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

The goal of our lab is to develop artificially intelligent systems to translate a patient’s genome into precision diagnosis and treatment. Our premise is that this task will ultimately require comprehensive information about the structure of biological systems, including the internal organization of cells and tissues. With this principle in mind, we are developing methods … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

The research in my laboratory focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate brain development maintenance and function. I have a broad background in molecular biology, genetics, developmental biology, and neurobiology. As a graduate student, I employed the invertebrate model organism C. elegans, and made significant contributions to the discovery of RNA interference (RNAi) … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

I am the Managing General Partner for DCVCBio, a $250M life science venture capital fund, investing at the interface of artificial intelligence and the life sciences. I have spent more than a decade in life science venture capital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Previously, I have led Monsanto Growth Ventures, the VC arm of … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

My research group investigates how bacteria achieve complex social behaviors that are relevant for living within a human or animal. We specifically ask how bacteria can distinguish self from non-self to form physically separated populations, how bacteria can communicate with one another, and how these microscopic organisms can coordinate cell shape and cell-cell interactions to … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

The current focus of my lab is biomedical genomics, specifically applications of transcriptomics for personalized medicine. While a Packard Fellow, I helped bring the tools of genome science to studies of development and evolution through the study of quantitative traits, like wing shape in Drosophila. With the revolution in technology that accompanied completion of the … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

My laboratory is focused on tackling fundamental questions in how cells make decisions in complex environments and how they regulate their function through feedback control. Our research program seeks to study endogenous feedback regulation, focusing on stress response systems. In this quest, we develop technologies that allow us to measure feedback operation in real time … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

Our group uses synthetic biology to understand the design principles of genetic circuits in living cells and tissues. We developed the original Repressilator, an artificial genetic clock that generates gene expression oscillations in individual E. coli cells, as well as other synthetic circuits. Our lab also showed that gene expression is intrinsically stochastic, or ‘noisy’, … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

My laboratory studies how cells and antigens come together to generate immune responses. This involves deciphering the cues that guide immune cell movements within, and egress from, lymphoid organs. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a major class of chemoattractant receptor on immune cells and using gain- and loss-of function approaches they have identified roles for … Continued

Discipline: Biological Sciences

The DeRisi Lab is focused on developing genomic technology to better understand the underlying fundamental mechanisms of infectious disease, with the ultimate goal of deploying solutions for better diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. To this end, our group has pursued a wide range of diseases, including human malaria, and viral diseases of mammals, birds, and reptiles, … Continued