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Discipline: Chemistry

Discipline: Chemistry

The focus of the my lab is to discover new chemical reactions that will enable the efficient syntheses of new materials, medicines, and fuels. In approaching our objectives we operate at the interfaces of multiple disciplines, where we leverage the tools of modern molecular biology, fundamental organometallic chemistry, and contemporary organocatalysis to establish innovative chemical … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Bacteria conduct remarkable chemistry. These microorganisms help animals digest food, help plants grow, and synthesize many natural products that are life-saving antibiotics. However, the overuse of antibiotics has resulted in a worldwide antibiotic resistance crisis. My research group integrates biosynthetic chemistry and bacterial genomics to identify new antimicrobial natural products and novel mechanisms to avoid … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Our group works at the quantum interface of chemistry and physics to study how simple rules give rise to complexity. My research focuses on new techniques to bring molecules to a standstill and use them as quantum building blocks of complex system. Notable recent achievements include building single molecules in movable optical tweezers, studying collisions … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

One of the biggest challenges facing our generation is identifying sustainable alternatives to precious metals that are required for many important industrial processes. The continuous need for rare metals has led to the mining and refinement of increasingly lower grade metal ores that requires a cocktail of harsh chemicals and generates large amounts of waste … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

My lab develops next-generation microscopy and spectroscopy tools that offer new functionality, resolution, and sensitivity for biological, chemical, and nanomaterials systems. In particular, we recently developed spectrally resolved super-resolution microscopy to synchronously obtain the fluorescence spectra and positions of millions of single molecules within minutes. Harnessing this capability and further incorporating environment-sensing fluorescent probes, we … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

We are a synthetic inorganic chemistry group focused on building up molecules and materials for targeted applications in light harvesting and catalysis. Using the tools and methods of inorganic and main-group synthesis we are preparing new III-V nanostructures and clusters and designing bifunctional electrocatalyst-nanoparticle composites. Along the way we are preparing new molecular precursors, creating … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Research in our group aims to address challenges associated with developing efficient solar energy conversion processes by studying proton-coupled electron transfer processes associated with solar fuel production. Proton-coupled electron transfer is a fundamental process wherein the reaction pathways of protons and electrons are intimately coupled. Solar fuel generating reactions rely on this fundamental process, as … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

My research group focuses on the rational design, deterministic assembly, and detailed investigation of the physical phenomena emerging from quantum confinement effects in graphene nanomaterials. We pursue a highly integrated multidisciplinary program, founded on synthetic bottom-up approaches toward functional materials with precisely defined structure, their assembly into hierarchically ordered architectures, and the investigation of their … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Microbes constitute the majority of life on Earth. Recent advances in DNA sequencing present an unparalleled opportunity to investigate the microbial world and its intersections with human health. However, the capacity to generate sequencing data has vastly outpaced the ability to understand and manipulate the biological functions it encodes. My research will enable rapid linking … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

A grand challenge of chemistry is to understand how the properties of molecules emerge from the complex correlations of their quantum states. We have developed high-dimensionality and highly nonlinear optical methods to map the correlations between quantum states in condensed-phase chemical and biological systems ranging from conjugated organic molecules, semiconductor nanostructures, and pigment-protein complexes. Our … Continued