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Discipline: Chemistry

Discipline: Chemistry

I am interested in the development of methods and strategies for the synthesis of natural products, as well as the specific application of photochemical, thermal, and enzyme-mediated cyclization reactions with control of stereochemistry.

Discipline: Chemistry

I develop and apply theoretical and computational methods to study problems involving the structure and dynamics of complex condense phase systems, including proteins, membranes, liquids, and materials. For example, I have developed a method known as “multiscale coarse-graining” in which the resolution of the molecular-scale entities is reduced into simpler structures, but key information on … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

My research interests revolve around inorganic nanomaterials, from synthetic methodology to self-assembly to optoelectronic devices.

Discipline: Chemistry

My group develops new experiments for watching the motion of molecules in solution. For instance, the 2D IR method uses sequences of ultrashort pulses of infrared light to pluck different bond vibrations of a molecule and track how they exchange energy, which can then be computationally modelled to reveal frozen molecular structures and construct molecular … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Research in my group targets synthesis of nanostructured, porous, and composite materials for a variety of applications. Emphasis is placed on control over internal architecture, external morphology and local composition, with critical features covering multiple length scales from the molecular to the bulk scale. Templating and nanocasting methods are employed to achieve structural and compositional … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

I work at the intersection of electronic structure theory, chemical dynamics, and statistical mechanics. I am broadly interested in the relaxation of systems prepared out of equilibrium, either with photons or will large voltages.

Discipline: Chemistry

My research focuses on creating new approaches for assaying small volume samples using mass spectrometry based metabolomics and peptidomics measurements. My group uses these new tools to characterize small molecules and peptides in a range of animal models across the metazoan and in samples as small as individual cells and cellular domains. Recent work includes … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Research in our group focuses on developing and applying the techniques of statistical and computational physics to the study of biological problems. Current work involves the investigation of cellular processes such as in-vivo protein folding and protein aggregation.

Discipline: Chemistry

We identify, characterize, and apply DNA as an enzyme. We use techniques and concepts from chemical biology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and other disciplines to design our experiments and interpret our results. An Interview with: Dr. Scott Silverman

Discipline: Chemistry

My laboratory works at the combined interface of chemistry, biology, medicine, and biotechnology. The lab seek to understand the fundamental chemistry that controls cellular interactions between and among proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules, and then apply this knowledge to discover new biology or develop novel molecules with unique and useful properties. Current topics include … Continued