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Discipline: Chemistry

Discipline: Chemistry

My lab is interested in bridging chemistry, physics, materials sciences, electrical engineering and medicine through nanosciences and novel materials. Examples of my group’s work include the synthesis and application of novel carbon nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons. The high quality of these materials has broadly facilitated studies of the intrinsic physical properties of … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

My group has pioneered the use of shaped ultrafast pulses to probe and control chemical reactions. Currently, our fundamental research focuses on the development and characterization of super photobases and unraveling the reaction dynamics of H3+, the precursor-ion of most organic molecules in the universe. Our applied research includes improvements for biomedical imaging, post-translational modification … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Research in the Chirik group is focused on sustainable chemistry and responsible use of the elements on the periodic table. Catalysis is widely recognized as a key driver of sustainability – but we asked the question, “is catalysis as sustainable as it can be?”. Because everything from medicines to kitchen utensils to alternative energy relies … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

The research focus of my group is the development of new catalysts for the synthesis of macromolecules as well as small molecules. Our research concentrates on developing new methods for reacting commodity feedstocks in unprecedented ways. Our current research centers on the development of homogeneous catalysts for olefin polymerization, heterocycle carbonylation, epoxide homo- and copolymerization, … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Research in my group focuses on the dynamics of chemical reactions and in recent years the spectroscopy and collision dynamics of single nanoparticles. This has involved the development of coincidence spectroscopy, in particular the photoelectron-photofragment coincidence technique applied to negative ions that has allowed studies of elementary reactions providing a level of detail that benchmarks … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

I am a chemist that studies the molecular foundations of life, focusing on the contributions of vitamins and mineral nutrients to human health and disease and the development of catalysts for renewable energy conversions. My laboratory has advanced a new paradigm for metals in biology termed transition metal signaling, using activity-based sensing and proteomics reagents … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

I am a Physical Organic Chemist who investigates organic and organometallic reactive intermediates in the gas phase and solution, seeking structure-activity relationships, with the help of kinetic, spectroscopic, and thermochemical methods. Computational chemistry is integrated into our work. We take the mechanistic models and validate them by rational design of homogeneous catalysts with novel reactivity … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

In my research group, we utilize scanned probe microscopy to characterize a variety of materials on a nanometer length scale and with single molecule sensitivity. The materials we probe include metal and metal oxide nanocluster catalysts supported on titania; the interface between the polymer electrolyte membrane and the catalyst layer in hydrogen and direct methanol … Continued

Discipline: Chemistry

Our group is interested in the development of catalytic reaction processes for applications in the synthesis of biologically active compounds.

Discipline: Chemistry

The work in my group is directed at understanding the properties of matter through simulating the equations of quantum mechanics.