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Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research aims to settle the complexity status of central problems in combinatorial optimization, such as the Unique Games problem and Sparsest Cut. Candidate methods are poorly understood semidefinite programming hierarchies. For any significant progress a deeper understanding of the underlying geometry has to be developed, bridging several areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science.

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research focuses on building new theoretical foundations and practical protocols for blockchains and cryptocurrencies. My work focuses on making blockchains more scalable, easier and safer to program, and privacy-friendly. Earlier I co-authored the first peer-reviewed publication on Bitcoin and the first peer-reviewed publication on decentralized smart contracts. I was also the first to teach … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research group creates new sensing and interface technologies that foster more powerful and delightful interactions between humans and computers. These efforts often lie in emerging use modalities, such as wearable computing, augmented reality, smart environments, and gestural interfaces. In addition to computer science, my research often incorporates machine learning, computer vision, embedded processing, sensors, … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research focuses on core problems within theoretical computer science and their connections to areas outside of computer science. The unifying theme of my work is generating and applying new computational and algorithmic insights through interactions between these disciplines and theoretical computer science. Two major recent themes in our works have been distributed computation and … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research focuses on randomness and computing. Many randomized algorithms are faster than algorithms that don’t use randomness. Scientists use random numbers to simulate complex systems such as the climate. Computer security is impossible without random numbers. On the other hand, computers use ad hoc sources of randomness that are really only slightly random. It … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research combines mathematics, computer science, probability, and statistics, in order to develop algorithms with improved accuracy for large-scale and complex estimation problems in phylogenomics (genome-scale phylogeny estimation), multiple sequence alignment, metagenomics, and historical linguistics. I work especially on the hardest computational problems in these areas, where large dataset sizes and model complexity makes existing … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research focus is on finding new methods to secure stored data by encryption. I am laying the foundations for an entirely different vision for encryption that I call Functional Encryption. Instead of encrypting to individual users, in a Functional Encryption system, one can embed how they want to share data in the encryption process. … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

I am working in coding theory, a field where mathematics, engineering, and computer science inextricably come together. My research has led to a better understanding of error-correcting codes that are used to encode information whenever it is transmitted or stored. Since such codes are deployed in a plethora of devices, from computer drives to cell … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

I build systems that combine humans and computers to solve large-scale problems that neither can solve alone. I call this Human Computation, but others sometimes call it Crowdsourcing. Some of my past projects include: CAPTCHA, The ESP Game (acquired by Google), GWAP, reCAPTCHA (acquired by Google) and Duolingo, which aims to teach users a foreign … Continued