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Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

I am interested in algorithms and the interface of computing and economics, the area concerned with designing systems and algorithms for selfish users. My research focuses on algorithms and games on networks, as well as network-flow algorithms, approximation algorithms, and quantifying the efficiency of selfish routing.

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My group develops mathematical tools and computational algorithms to faithfully simulate the physical world around us. How does smoke rise and curl? How does cloth blow in the wind? How does paper crumple? In this translation from mathematical models and theories to something which can be simulated on a computer, I focus on ensuring that … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research focuses on discovering the computational principles underlying the brain’s remarkable ability to learn, process and store information, and applying this knowledge to artificial intelligence and brain-computer interfaces. My lab uses a combination of theory, computer simulations, and collaborative neurobiological experiments to uncover the brain mechanisms of perception, learning, and action. Such an interdisciplinary … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

Our research concerns a core issue in Computer Science: how to develop correct, reliable, and secure software. To address these issues, our group works on creating better tools for manipulating programs and analyzing their execution properties. The work uses ideas that come primarily from the fields of programming languages, compilers, and software engineering, but there … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My areas of research are cross-disciplinary in nature, selected from diverse areas such as algorithms, optimization, bioinformatics, genomics, computational geometry, radio-frequency identification, and computer-aided design (CAD) of very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits.

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research on database management addresses how to build efficient query processing engines on modern hardware systems. Efficiency can be measured along several dimensions, including query processing time, space needed to store the data, energy needed to complete a query processing task, and the (amortized) monetary cost for performing a query workload. I have examined … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

I work in 3D computer vision, having been the first to develop a software pipeline to automatically turn photographs into 3D models, but also work on robotics, graphics and machine learning problems. Other noteworthy projects I have worked on with collaborators are real-time 3D scanning with mobile devices, a real-time pipeline for 3D reconstruction of … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

I am CTO for Data and a Technical Fellow at Microsoft, and previously served as Chief Scientist at Yahoo! and Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in addition to founding QUIQ, an early online crowd-sourced question-answering company. My work in database systems has influenced query optimization in commercial database systems and the design of window … Continued

Discipline: Computer/Information Sciences

My research is focused on three areas: the creation of novel cameras, the design of physics based models for vision, and the development of algorithms for scene understanding. The work conducted by my research team is motivated by applications in the fields of digital imaging, computer graphics, and robotics.