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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

Motivated by current cosmological observations, as well by fundamental problems of the existing paradigm (of particle physics and gravity), such as the cosmological constant and the hierarchy problems, I intend to study theories that modify gravity at very large (cosmological) and short distances, but keep all the success of the standard theory at shorter length … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My present research is focused on quantum phenomena in nanomagnets, time crystals, and cryogenic amplification for high speed time resolved measurements.

Discipline: Physics

My research is focused on the macroscopic quantum physics of many-body quantum matter including studies of superconductors, superfluids, supersolids, heavy fermions, topological condensates, and of spin & monopole liquids.

Discipline: Physics

My group is taking the techniques of precise quantum control and measurement that characterize modern atomic physics and applying them to the system of diatomic molecules. Molecules are more complex than atoms because of their internal vibrational and rotational motions, and this makes them more difficult to control. However, our group has learned how to … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Ultracold atoms and molecules are incredibly versatile tools for creating designer science experiments. Their versatility stems from the many forms of precise control that physicists have developed over recent years, including: the use of laser cooling to remove nearly all entropy, the creation of almost arbitrary potential energy landscapes with optical fields, the ability to … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I work in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics, focusing on the electronic properties of advanced materials of fundamental and technological interest. In the past few decades, our group has established itself as one of the leading groups in first-principles electronic-structure calculations. Our earlier studies on simple metal clusters have become a classic work … Continued

Discipline: Physics

We want to understand how animal cells sense, generate, and respond to forces in their environment. Our goal is to generate a detailed physical model for cell viscoelasticity and to relate it to the cells’ biochemical regulatory pathways. Such understanding will likely prove crucial for medical studies related to cancer metastasis, stem cell differentiation, and … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Experimental mesoscopic physics: properties of micrometer and nanometer scale devices at low temperatures. Heat transport in proximity-coupled normal metals and superconductors; spin-polarized transport in ferromagnet/normal-metal and ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures; electrical and thermal transport in carbon nanotube and graphene devices; millikelvin range scanning probe and scanning tunneling microscopy; transport and magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets; magnetic, surface and … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I am a theoretical condensed matter physicist. Presently, my main research interests are topological phases, such as topological insulators, topological superconductors, or Weyl semimetals, quantum transport, and spintronics. My aim is to develop an analytical theoretical description, often making use of simplified but effective model descriptions. Examples of recent research topics in these fields are: … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research interests cover both the fundamental physics of mesoscopic transport and wave chaos as well as the practical applications of nanophotonic devices and biomedical imaging. I amparticularly interested in complex photonic systems that have many degrees of freedom in space, time, spectrum that are coupled, allowing use to use the degrees of freedom in … Continued