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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

My current work focuses on the foundations of quantum mechanics and the emergence of spacetime in quantum gravity, with a growing effort in statistical mechanics and complex systems. In quantum foundations, I have been working to understand how the world of our experience emerges out of the quantum state in the Everett formulation. Starting from … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I have been doing research on solid state lighting, photovoltaics, and biophysics since 1998, with a focus on transitioning science discoveries in the renewable energy and energy efficiency areas into commercial products as well as promoting hands-an science education for grades K-12.

Discipline: Physics

Experimental mesoscopic physics: properties of micrometer and nanometer scale devices at low temperatures. Heat transport in proximity-coupled normal metals and superconductors; spin-polarized transport in ferromagnet/normal-metal and ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures; electrical and thermal transport in carbon nanotube and graphene devices; millikelvin range scanning probe and scanning tunneling microscopy; transport and magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets; magnetic, surface and … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I am a condensed matter physicist researching the possible quantum phases of matter that can appear in esoteric materials. I am interested in the interplay between topology and quantum mechanics, and have focused on predicting materials where fundamental quantum effects can be seen.

Discipline: Physics

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Quantum gasses, quantum enhanced measurement and sensing, quantum simulation. Nanoscience as applied to cultural heritage conservation.

Discipline: Physics

I am a particle physics phenomenologist concerned with the relation between theory and experiment. My research has shown how the extreme weakness of gravity, relative to other forces of nature, might be explained by the existence of extra dimensions of space, and how the structure of comparatively low-energy physics is constrained within the context of … Continued

Discipline: Physics

The focus of research in my group lies in the study of interacting electronic systems in low-dimensional structures. We have developed a technique that permits precision contactless determination of electron tunneling into such structures for an unprecedented direct determination of electronic energy levels. This contactless tunneling can even function on insulating samples and give a … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I work on the theory of quantum matter. My group studies how the strange features of quantum mechanics can be harnessed to explain and enable unusual properties of materials and artificial structures.

Discipline: Physics

My research involves the theoretical study of interplay between the interference and interaction effects in disordered and mesoscopic systems. I am also interested in the relevance of the quantum corrections to the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions.

Discipline: Physics

My research is focused on the theory of electron transport in topological and conventional conductors. This includes theory of the Zero Resistance State experimentally discovered in semiconductors subjected to microwave radiation, hydrodynamic theory of electrical resistivity in materials with a long range disorder potential, theory of negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetals, and theory of anomalous … Continued