Discipline: Physics
I work on the theory of quantum matter. My group studies how the strange features of quantum mechanics can be harnessed to explain and enable unusual properties of materials and artificial structures.
I work on the theory of quantum matter. My group studies how the strange features of quantum mechanics can be harnessed to explain and enable unusual properties of materials and artificial structures.
Our research group focuses on the physics of complex oxide materials. These materials exhibit a tremendous diversity of behavior, including nearly all the complex phenomena that can be observed in the solid state, such as superconductivity, ferroelectricity, and magnetism. Because of the strong interplay between spin, charge, and lattice degrees of freedom in these materials, … Continued
My research involves the theoretical study of interplay between the interference and interaction effects in disordered and mesoscopic systems. I am also interested in the relevance of the quantum corrections to the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions.
My research is focused on the theory of electron transport in topological and conventional conductors. This includes theory of the Zero Resistance State experimentally discovered in semiconductors subjected to microwave radiation, hydrodynamic theory of electrical resistivity in materials with a long range disorder potential, theory of negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetals, and theory of anomalous … Continued