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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

My primary research focus is the quantum mechanical properties of black holes. To understand these better, I use a combination of tools from quantum information theory, quantum field theory, classical gravity, string theory, and condensed matter theory. In particular, I have developed a reformulation of the AdS/CFT correspondence as a quantum error-correcting code, which is … Continued

Discipline: Physics

While quantum mechanics forms the basis for all materials properties, in most compounds it is only relevant at the very smallest length scales. There exist some materials, however, in which the quantum nature transcends the microscopic to the macroscopic and in doing so produces incredible phenomena. Our work will use atomically-precise thin film synthesis in … Continued

Discipline: Physics

In everyday life, we are intuitively accustomed to assuming massive objects exist in a definite position in space. However, quantum mechanics remarkably predicts that massive particles such as atoms can exist in a quantum superposition of two places simultaneously. Atom interferometers employ this counterintuitive phenomenon to precisely measure small forces. Here, I propose to dramatically … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Optical atomic clocks are the most precise devices ever constructed by humankind. In my research group at the University of Wisconsin – Madison we are building a new kind of optical atomic clock dedicated to harnessing this precision to shed light on some of the great remaining mysteries in our understanding of the universe. Our … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My current research is mainly driven by three open questions: How do the thermal and quantum fluctuations of broken-symmetry phases alter the properties of metals? What is the fate of an electronic system when all the energy scales, such as bandgap, chemical potential and magnetic field, become comparable? How does a phase transition manifest itself … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I propose to prepare and measure chemically relevant molecules in single quantum states for the first time. The ability to nondestructively measure the state of an individual molecule will provide an unambiguous single molecule chemical analyzer, and is a crucial prerequisite for meaningful quantum information processing with trapped polyatomic molecules. The system will further provide … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Conventional wisdom holds that phases of matter require thermodynamic equilibrium to remain stable. When equilibration fails, so too does much of our understanding. The overarching goal of this Packard proposal is to theoretically predict, numerically optimize, and experimentally discover novel forms of quantum matter that fall outside our usual equilibrium paradigm. In particular, I will … Continued

Discipline: Physics

The Moler lab builds and operates tools for measuring magnetic fields on small length scales. We use these tools to study superconductivity and mesoscopic quantum mechanical effects at low temperatures.

Discipline: Physics

Turbulence is among the most mysterious phenomena in nature, with extensive ramifications in biology, mathematics, and physics. Despite intense efforts, many aspects of turbulence remain poorly understood. For instance, we do not understand the microscopic mechanism driving the transfer of energy in turbulent cascades. Moreover, the theoretical description of classical turbulence breaks down at small … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Technology based on the use of light – its generation, harvesting and manipulation – has transformed modern life. For example, we use lasers for surgery and manufacturing, solar panels to sustainably produce electricity, and fiber optics to send internet signals around the world. As both the demand for and complexity of photonic devices grow, there … Continued