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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

My research interests lie in low dimensional electronic systems, where the interplay of topological order and symmetry breaking can lead to new states matter with novel quantum properties. My goal is to engineer quantum electronic devices that harness the full potential of topological systems—long-predicted but never observed—to protect quantum information from environmental decoherence. While such … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research interest is in the study of novel electronic systems where strong interactions lead to new states of matter, together with the exploitation of these new phases for technological applications. An exciting new opportunity in this effort is our ability to fabricate double-layer structures consisting of two closely-spaced two-dimensional materials. The wide range of … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I am interested in developing laser-based spectroscopic techniques to search for novel quantum phases of matter in solids, with an eye towards nano-electronics and quantum information technologies. I am particularly interested in topological, strongly correlated and out-of-equilibrium driven phases of matter.

Discipline: Physics

My research investigates physical phenomena that grant access to phonons—or quantum particles of sound—as the basis for sensitive metrology and new forms of classical and quantum information processing. At low temperatures, phonons have greatly extended coherence times and they exhibit many intriguing properties; phonons can interact strongly with atom-like defect centers, they can be converted … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I am a theortical physicist. My research aims to reveal and elucidate strange quantum properties of solids that may provide the basis for new technologies. My research group made contributions to the field of topological quantum materials, and introduced the concept of topological crystalline insulators. We introduced the first realistic material platform for creating Majorana … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Interfaces between semiconductors play an essential role in many applications that seem indispensable to us, such as mobile communication, barcode readers and laser pointers. Recently, a new class of materials based on oxides has seen a similar explosion of interest as semiconductors 50 years ago. These complex oxides exhibit a rich variety of functional properties … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Our research group synthesizes physical and evolutionary insights to discover novel biophysical mechanisms in evolutionarily diverse systems. Examples include solar transformer and radiative cooling functions in giant clams, phase-transition driven micropattern formation in plants and insects, light-guided camouflage in squid, and patchy-colloidal self-assembly for gradient-index optics in squid.

Discipline: Physics

I theoretically investigate various quantum systems and explore applications of quantum information. I have proposed quantum error correcting protocols to extend the coherence time of quantum systems, studied topological quantum systems robust against local perturbations, classified quantum repeater networks to enable global scale secure quantum communication, invented quantum sensing protocols with better sensitivity than classical … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Quantum mechanics underlies nearly all modern technology, having enabled the classical computer, and literally redefined our units of measure through quantum metrology. More recently, a new generation of experiments has begun to assert direct control over quantum mechanical systems, in areas encompassing computation, communication, and sensing. Our group studies digital quantum information, developing novel qubits, … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Research in my group is directed towards understanding the nature of elementary processes in biological systems. We relate dynamics and structures to functions at the most fundamental level with state-of-the-art femtosecond lasers and molecular biology techniques. The laboratory ultimately will have the capability of time resolution from femtosecond to millisecond (second); biological systems can be … Continued