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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

My quantum information interests center on the use of highly excited atoms for conditional quantum manipulation; the quantum state of one atom evolves in controllable manner that is dependent of the state of a single other atom 10 microns away. Such processes form key building blocks for quantum computers and quantum optics. In the area … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I have been fascinated with the problem of insect flight: how do insects fly, why do they fly the way they do, and how can we infer their ‘thoughts’ from their flight dynamics? Starting from the Navier-Stokes equations governing the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping flight, we worked to build a theoretical framework for computing flight, … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I am primarily a quantum condensed matter physicist with a focus on “strongly correlated” systems, although inevitably I also work on problems in classical statistical mechanics as do all members of my tribe. The term strongly correlated refers to materials in which the interactions among the electrons are important, even for a qualitative understanding of … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I perform experiments with ultracold atomic gases and optical fields to study a range of phenomena in quantum science, including topics from many-body and condensed-matter physics, matter-wave optics, quantum states of light, and precision and quantum measurement.

Discipline: Physics

My lab focuses on the study of novel ground states and functional properties in condensed matter systems synthesized via atomically precise thin film deposition techniques. These model systems often stabilize ground states and functional properties not observable in the bulk. I have a particular interest in strongly correlated complex oxide thin films and heterostructures, including … Continued

Discipline: Physics

For most of my career, I have been involved with atomic physics and condensed matter physics. As a graduate student, I discovered the phenomenon of “nuclear spin noise”. When nuclear spins are placed in a pickup coil connected to a resonant circuit, there was random noise in the coil due to fluctuations of the nuclear … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research focuses on the development of superconducting devices for quantum information processing, which are leading to revolutionary advances in computing. My group is a leader in the development of solid-state quantum bits (qubits) for quantum computing, and the advancement of their performance to practical levels. Together with collaborators at Yale, Professors Michel Devoret and … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Our research is rooted in quantum mechanics of many particles, and includes several directions. (1) New paradigms and strategies of quantum information processing, particularly using topological quantum phases. (2) Novel phenomena in driven quantum systems and light-matter interactions. (3) Localization and loss of ergodicity in disordered quantum systems.

Discipline: Physics

Our quantum devices explore the frontiers of control in atomic, optical, and mesoscopic physics. We laser cool the vibrations of mechanical objects that can measure displacements and extremely small forces at quantum limits. We are able to entangle and interfere single atoms placed atom-by-atom in identical quantum states. Our work will enable transduction between disparate … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research is in the areas of experimental condensed matter physics and biological physics. Current areas of interest include the application of magnetic nanoparticles and microfabricated systems to studies of cell and tissue mechanics and cellular mechanotransduction, correlation of structure and electrical properties in organic semiconductor-based nanostructures, and nanoparticle probes of complex fluids.