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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

Our research is rooted in quantum mechanics of many particles, and includes several directions. (1) New paradigms and strategies of quantum information processing, particularly using topological quantum phases. (2) Novel phenomena in driven quantum systems and light-matter interactions. (3) Localization and loss of ergodicity in disordered quantum systems.

Discipline: Physics

Our quantum devices explore the frontiers of control in atomic, optical, and mesoscopic physics. We laser cool the vibrations of mechanical objects that can measure displacements and extremely small forces at quantum limits. We are able to entangle and interfere single atoms placed atom-by-atom in identical quantum states. Our work will enable transduction between disparate … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research is in the areas of experimental condensed matter physics and biological physics. Current areas of interest include the application of magnetic nanoparticles and microfabricated systems to studies of cell and tissue mechanics and cellular mechanotransduction, correlation of structure and electrical properties in organic semiconductor-based nanostructures, and nanoparticle probes of complex fluids.

Discipline: Physics

My research is focused on using spin-polarized atoms for tests of fundamental symmetries of physics laws and for development of atomic sensors with interdisciplinary applications. My group uses large ensembles of polarized atoms with very long spin coherence time to make sensitive measurements with unprecedented energy resolution. The results of our research include best tests … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My work deals generally with strongly interacting quantum field theories (QFTs). I am interested in the study of their general properties and structures, as well as in their applications to systems of condensed matter or statistical mechanics, some of high experimental interest. Most of my work uses non-perturbative techniques such as conformal invariance, integrability and … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research group’s recent works focus on the role of quantum entanglement in quantum many-body physics and quantum gravity. We helped relating holographic duality with tensor network states, a geometrical representation of quantum many-body states. We have also worked on topological states of matter. Our work pointed out the relation between topological insulators in three … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research is at the nexus of biology, physics and technology development. My group has invented many measurement tools for biology, including new DNA sequencing technologies that have enabled rapid analysis of the human genome and microfluidic automation that allows scientists to efficiently isolate individual cells and decipher their genetic code. Our lab is also … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My theoretical research interests span a broad spectrum of classical and quantum condensed matter. These range from entropy-dominated liquid crystals, colloids, membranes, rubber and other “soft” matter to quantum matter, such as superconductors, magnets, degenerate atomic gases, quantum Hall and other topological states of matter. I aim to understand the nature of phases and phase … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research group uses electronic, magnetic, optical, and mechanical measurements to study physical mechanisms by which nanometer-scale materials and devices can exhibit different behaviors than bulk materials. One focus of current research is based on controlling electron spins in nanoscale devices, and using spins to exert torques on magnetic materials to make more efficient magnetic … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I study interacting quantum spin systems using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Nuclear spins in hard, insulating, crystalline solids stand apart form all other quantum many-body systems as far better isolated from environmental degrees of freedom. Even at high temperatures where the system is far from its ground state, these systems retain fully-coherent quantum dynamics over … Continued