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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

My research focuses on ultracold atomic gases and plasmas, which can have temperatures as low as a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero. Under these exotic conditions, matter behaves in fundamentally different ways, and exploration of this regime teaches us about the basic laws of nature and lays the foundation for powerful new … Continued

Discipline: Physics

He leads a research group exploring new forms of matter of ultracold atoms, in particular novel aspects of superfluidity, coherence, magnetic ordering and correlations in many-body systems. The systems he is interested in include Bose-Einstein condensates, strongly interacting Fermi gases, ultracold molecules and atoms in optical lattices.

Discipline: Physics

Much of the current research in atomic and molecular physics employs extremely well-controlled electromagnetic fields to coherently manipulate their internal and/or external motion. My research group uses lasers to cool and trap atoms, to spin molecules in order to align their axes along a particular direction in the laboratory, and to drive electrons within atoms, … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research has been broadly focused on the applications of quantum field theory and string theory in understanding questions in cosmology and particle physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum gravity. Most recently this has included investigations of number theoretic aspects of string compactification and the string theory explanation of black hole thermodynamics, and proposals for … Continued

Discipline: Physics

In recent years, my group has been pursuing research on fractional quantum Hall effect connected to topological quantum computation. Topological quantum computing is a fascinating interplay of topology, quantum field theory, physics of fractional quantum Hall effect, and theories of quantum computing.

Discipline: Physics

My group investigates the structure and dynamics of quantum materials by spectroscopic and scattering techniques. Topics of particular current interest include the interplay between charge, orbital, and spin degrees of freedom in transition metal oxides, the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity, and the control of electronic phase behavior in metal-oxide heterostructures and superlattices. Research in our … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research interests are at the intersection of quantum optics and many-body physics. My primary focus is on two-dimensional systems where strong interactions between cavity polaritons and itinerant electrons allow for light-induced modification of electron transport.

Discipline: Physics

My lab works on topological fluid dynamics, theories of knotted electromagnetic fields, fracture mechanics, topological mechanics and the dynamics of chiral fluids. The common thread in these problems is that they are underpinned by elegant geometric and topological mechanisms. A focus of our research is to seek and unravel the presence of these powerful interpretative … Continued

Discipline: Physics

The main theme of my research is the investigation of materials under conditions far from equilibrium. Such conditions give rise to a wealth of complex phenomena, and insights gained can be used to design new classes of smart materials.  A focus of our work is granular materials, which are large aggregates of particles in far-from-equilibrium … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research interests lie in the area of experimental condensed matter physics, in particular quantum electronic transport and optoelectronics in novel low dimensional materials, such as graphene and topological insulators.