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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

My group is focused on development of new families of single-atomic layer (“2-d”) nanomaterials, building a scientific understanding their physical and chemical properties, and translation of device structures into useful applications. Our team is a global leader in the use of nano-bio hybrid structures in chemical and biomolecular detection for multiple application spaces.

Discipline: Physics

My research centers on applications of physics to large scale problems in astronomy, planetary science, and Earth science. My group has shown the physics of heat transfer is misunderstood which has led to unrealistic views of processes in large bodies. Our focus is analytical, rather than numerical. Recent collaborative work has recently revealed that so-called … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My work focuses on using superconducting circuits to study novel quantum phenomena. One major effort is the study of condensed matter physics with microwave photons in these circuits. While photons generally interact only weakly, my group is building systems where these interactions are strong, and are expected to lead to many-body effects, including phase transitions … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I am a theoretical physicist interested in the identification, characterization, and classification of phases and phase transitions of quantum many-body systems. One reason this is a rich and exciting area is that perhaps the most basic question — “What is a quantum phase of matter?” — is not well-understood. That is, the process of discovering … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research interests are in the application of radio interferometry and signal processing to problems in astrophysics. My group carried out an early gravitational lens survey with the Very Large Array, work that led to the discovery of the first Einstein ring gravitational lens. Our current research focuses on low-frequency radio studies of the “Cosmic … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research group studies and manipulates how electrons organize themselves and flow on the nanoscale. In this regime, quantum effects and electron interactions are important, confounding intuitions gleaned from larger-scale electronics. Our group has been excited about making and steering beams of electrons within atomically-thin materials, using topological insulators to build 1D wires whose resistance … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Our group investigates the mechanisms of self-organization in strongly interacting many-body systems, particularly in systems driven far from equilibrium. This search for Nature’s fundamental organizing principles focuses on experimental studies of model systems, such as colloidal dispersions, whose organizational transformations are amenable to direct observation and external control. One focus of our program has been … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My laboratory emphasizes the combined use of optical spectroscopy and optical imaging as a tool for materials characterization. The primary spectroscopic techniques we employ are photoluminescence, photoluminescence excitation, and molecular fluorescence. The optical techniques we use include traditional far-field microscopy, confocal microscopy, interferometry, and near-field optics. The main areas of focus are characterization of semiconductor … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Since receiving the Packard fellowship, I have been interested in the optical, electric and magnetic properties of colloidal nanoparticles. The current research is primarily in the infrared spectral range, where inorganic semiconductor quantum dots allow a wide spectral coverage by simply changing the size of the particles. My research group designs new colloidal quantum dots, … Continued

Discipline: Physics

I conduct research in the area of physical acoustics, particularly nonlinear acoustics, and in recent years with an emphasis on biomedical applications. My research involves primarily analytical and computational modelling. I am currently involved in research on acoustic radiation force in tissue, acoustically driven bubble dynamics in blood vessels, nonlinear shear waves in relaxing media, … Continued