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Funding Area: Children and Families

Funding Area: Children and Families

to continue lifting up stories for state and national audiences with a special focus on the cross-cutting policy themes identified from the three Starting Smart and Strong communities

Funding Area: Children and Families

to continue lifting up stories for state and national audiences with a special focus on the cross-cutting policy themes identified from the three Starting Smart and Strong communities

Funding Area: Children and Families

to continue lifting up stories for state and national audiences with a special focus on the cross-cutting policy themes identified from the three Starting Smart and Strong communities

Funding Area: Children and Families

to support Parent Voices in conducting outreach, awareness, and communications efforts to support Child Tax Credit access in community

Funding Area: Children and Families

for work on affordable health coverage to all children under 300 percent of the federal poverty; innovation and accountability for quality preventive services; and building a comprehensive, quality early learning system in California

Funding Area: Children and Families

to ensure affordable health insurance coverage to all children under 300 percent of the federal poverty line; quality preventive services delivered by managed care plans; and a high quality early childhood system in California