Funding Area: Civil Society and Leadership
to support the Organizational Development tool-kit program for civil society partners in Mexico, Panama, and Chile
to support the Organizational Development tool-kit program for civil society partners in Mexico, Panama, and Chile
to support part two of the Organizational Resilience program for civil society partners in Mexico, Panama, and Chile and Alternativas institutional needs
for exit support as part of the Organizational Resilience Program for civil society partners in Mexico
to support exit support as part of the Organizational Resilience program for civil society partners in Mexico
to support Citizen SHE in developing a shared leadership model, enhancing its social media presence, and providing staff members an opportunity to rest and retreat
to support change management and scenario planning
to provide a security asset and needs assessment for environmental defenders in Indonesia
to support data infrastructure
to support financial planning and fundraising planning
to support communications assessment, planning, and implementation