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Funding Area: Environment and Science

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for the continued development and implementation of a shared vision for a conservation-based development future in the East Cape region of Baja California Sur

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for the implementation of a multi-stakeholder dialogue and analysis process aimed at informing and promoting local and regional resiliency plans to prepare Cabo del Este to address future disruptions

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for facilitation of a virtual convening of both public and private organizations that work towards island restoration across the globe

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for core support to bring together NGOs and other individuals and organizations that work comprehensively on tuna sustainability issues globally

Funding Area: Environment and Science

to build a campaign against government subsidies for biomass electricity in the UK, call for divestment from biomass electricity, and support local groups around the country campaigning against biomass power stations and infrastructure

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for core programmatic support to the Environmental Paper Network, a global coalition to co-ordinate civil society member organizations to create transformational change in the pulp and paper industry, and its biomass working group

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for core programmatic support to the Environmental Paper Network, a global coalition to co-ordinate civil society member organizations to create transformational change in the pulp and paper industry, and its biomass working group

Funding Area: Environment and Science

for core coordination and communications support to the Global South Biomass Working Group in preparation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties

Funding Area: Environment and Science

to nurture a network of activists seeking to put forests and forest communities at the heart of climate action through well-informed, strategically targeted and coordinated campaigning to hold the biomass energy industry accountable