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Funding Area: Families and Communities

Funding Area: Families and Communities

for a joint project with the American Academy of Pediatrics with the goal of improving access to medical and mental health services for unaccompanied children

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to identify and disseminate information about state and local strategies that seek to raise participation in Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for children in immigrant families

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to support Too Small to Fail in expanding their reach to low-income, Black, and Hispanic parents, providing them with information and tools to support their young children’s early brain and language development

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to explore why approximately 500,000 babies across nearly all states are not counted as being continuously eligible for Medicaid during their first year of life, despite federal policy protections

Funding Area: Families and Communities

for Phase 2 to explore why approximately 500,000 babies per year are not counted as continuously eligible for Medicaid during their first year of life

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to support enhancements to Too Small to Fail’s text messaging program in partnership with Univision during the COVID-19 crisis