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Funding Area: Families and Communities

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to support customized efforts, collaborative tools, and technical assistance that will enable local nonprofits and networks in San Mateo County to leverage ARPA funds over 12 months

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to support a follow up survey to assess changes in participant barriers, satisfaction, shopping experiences, and nutrition behaviors

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to support research that documents how USDA’s WIC waivers during COVID-19 can inform innovations to improve the WIC program and participant retention

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to support a survey to assess the impact of covid-19 and the cash value benefit augmentation on WIC participants across California

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to develop a common understanding of the state of maternal and young child nutrition in the U.S., especially among low-income families, and a partial conversion to general support

Funding Area: Families and Communities

to defend and protect the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid and advocate for expanded health care access and coverage for young adults and young families