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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

to strengthen Cambodia’s community protected areas (CPA) networks for smallholder farmers and local communities

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support a young Indonesian professionals leadership program on climate and forest issues

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support of the Think20 Taskforce on food security and sustainable agriculture ahead of 2022 G20 events

Funding Area: Global Climate

for general support and for project support of farmer learning exchanges in the tropical forest regions of Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support the legal defense against a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) case in Germany

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support the implementation of the National Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for social forestry-based ecotourism collaboration, sustainability index, and communication for low carbon development in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to conduct the scoping and planning to develop the city of Nanjing for sustainable and forest-friendly consumption in China