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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support development and promotion of the Regional Sustainable Competitiveness Index in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support transparency for High Carbon Stock Assessment results in the palm oil sector

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support Indonesian palm oil smallholders through investigative and evidence-based reporting

Funding Area: Global Climate

to provide core support for reducing the space for unsustainable biofuels at the EU and national level

Funding Area: Global Climate

to expand the “Investment in Utility-Scale Biomass” series, which seeks to inform knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among investors, companies, policymakers, and civil society on utility-scale biomass electricity generation

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support to raise awareness, in collaboration with national NGOs, of the need to end the policies that support the use of crop biofuels (such as palm and soy oil biodiesel) in the European Union

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for the Agroecology Fund, a donor advised fund that transforms food systems and fosters the wellbeing of people and the planet

Funding Area: Global Climate

for participatory research to identify transformative approaches to women and young people’s engagement in integrated livelihood and conservation initiatives