Funding Area: Global Climate
to support the development and implementation of the China Youth Program for China
to support the development and implementation of the China Youth Program for China
for cultivating young voices for nature, promoting biodiversity protection, and reducing imported deforestation across different sectors in China through the Changemakers for Nature program
to educate and convince Japanese stakeholders that woody biomass power generation is not carbon neutral, has high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and negatively impacts global forest conservation
to expand No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation ( NDPE) policy adoption and push policy implementation by Japanese companies through investors and buyers engagement
for core support to promote the development of appropriate standards on sustainability for biomass power generation in Japan (especially imported woody biomass and palm oil), including greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards
to support Islamic organizations developing, implementing and scaling their climate initiatives
for core support for the Islamic climate movement in Indonesia
for general support
for general support
to support a partnership with EcoNusa Foundation to develop and execute the Youth for Papua program