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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

for building government capacity for conservation agriculture in the regional bureaus of agriculture of Oromia and Benishangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to develop a framework designed to create a sustainable biodiesel industry in Indonesia that aligns di?erent perspectives from multi-sector stakeholders

Funding Area: Global Climate

to design steps and identify instruments for biodiesel to play as a short-term alternative energy source towards sustainable renewable energy in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to build a campaign against government subsidies for biomass electricity in the UK, call for divestment from biomass electricity, and support local groups around the country campaigning against biomass power stations and infrastructure

Funding Area: Global Climate

to build a campaign against government subsidies for biomass electricity in the UK, call for divestment from biomass electricity, and support local groups around the country campaigning against biomass power stations and infrastructure

Funding Area: Global Climate

to build a campaign against government subsidies for biomass electricity in the UK, call for divestment from biomass electricity, and support local groups around the country campaigning against biomass power stations and infrastructure