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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

to co-fund Earth Innovation Institute’s internal restructuring and re-strategizing process together with Moore Foundation

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support two Indonesian districts to become “proof-of-concept” that the goals of forest conservation, green growth and food security can all be achieved through the right blend of incentives and support

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support corporate campaigns targeted at the world’s largest wood pellet producers and users within a robust policy reform agenda to stop the drivers of today’s biopower industry and prevent new markets from emerging

Funding Area: Global Climate

for the development of a forest and biodiversity monitoring tool for southwest Ethiopia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to build a model of sustainable production around the development of a jurisdictional approach, advancing district government sustainability commitments and exploring alternative livelihoods for local communities in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to educate the public, press, policymakers, and other organizations about harmful biomass and biofuels subsidies