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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN) on Plantation Watch to further expand No-Deforestation No-Peat, No-Exploitation (NDPE) policy adoption and implementation by Japanese companies and investors

Funding Area: Global Climate

to promote interventions in Vietnam’s wood pellet supply chains to secure verifiable legal and sustainable wood product from Vietnam for export markets including Korea and Japan

Funding Area: Global Climate

to expand the results of the “Production of Sustainable Wood Pellets: Linking Interventions from Supply-Side to Demand-Side in Vietnam” program while facilitating a transformative shift to a low emission economy in Vietnam

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support work in defending, implementing, and expanding Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program through research, public education, stakeholder engagement, legal defense, and regional coordination

Funding Area: Global Climate

for continued work on the commodities trade and deforestation linked to palm oil expansion as it relates to Southeast Asia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support the development of the Palm Oil Risk Tool (PORT), which identifies deforestation risk for palm oil mills in Indonesia