Funding Area: Global Climate
for re-granting and technical assistance to local organizations in Papua and West Papua, Indonesia strengthening community forest management and sustainable economic development
for re-granting and technical assistance to local organizations in Papua and West Papua, Indonesia strengthening community forest management and sustainable economic development
to support women’s forest stewardship and economic empowerment in Indonesia
for core support of the Women’s Forest Stewardship Program in Eastern Indonesia
to help inform and build demand for a pragmatic and sustainable approach to biofuels policy over the coming decades
to advance clean fuel policies at the federal and state level
to equitably reduce pollution from transportation fuel as part of a clean, safe petroleum phaseout
for core support for Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN) on Plantation Watch to further expand No-Deforestation No-Peat, No-Exploitation (NDPE) policy adoption and implementation by Japanese companies and investors
to provide technical support to the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership
to promote interventions in Vietnam’s wood pellet supply chains to secure verifiable legal and sustainable wood product from Vietnam for export markets including Korea and Japan
to expand the results of the “Production of Sustainable Wood Pellets: Linking Interventions from Supply-Side to Demand-Side in Vietnam” program while facilitating a transformative shift to a low emission economy in Vietnam