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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

for a campaign with partners in Indonesia to encourage companies and financial institutions to adopt and implement policies that protect forests, reduce climate pollution, respect human rights, and improve accountability

Funding Area: Global Climate

to encourage companies and financial institutions to adopt and implement policies that protect forests, reduce climate pollution, respect human rights, and improve accountability

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support ongoing efforts toward sustainability of a Green Growth Compact in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support ongoing efforts toward sustainability of a Green Growth Compact in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to protect the biodiversity of the world’s forests from escalating demand for biomass and to ensure accurate accounting of biomass carbon emissions in climate and energy policy

Funding Area: Global Climate

to conduct a jurisdictional approach assessment in Indonesia and to provide two subgrants on Siak district jurisdictional approach work