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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

to advance sustainable landscapes initiatives in Sintang District, Indonesia through the development of a jurisdictional approach on sustainable production and forest protection, and improving livelihoods of local communities

Funding Area: Global Climate

to equitably reduce pollution from transportation fuel as part of a clean, safe petroleum phaseout

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN) on Plantation Watch to further expand No-Deforestation No-Peat, No-Exploitation (NDPE) policy adoption and implementation by Japanese companies and investors

Funding Area: Global Climate

to continue digital and shareholder campaign and advocacy to promote sustainable palm oil in Europe, US, and Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

to provide core support for analyzing and communicating challenges and strategies for preserving forests and mitigating land use-based emission