Funding Area: Global Climate
for core support to avoid potential negative environmental and social impacts from the increase of biomass power generation projects in Japan
for core support to avoid potential negative environmental and social impacts from the increase of biomass power generation projects in Japan
to continue engagement with Chinese stakeholders on Sustainability Standards
to support the continued uptake of credible sustainability standards within the Chinese context, with a view towards mitigating global deforestation and supporting enhanced biodiversity
for general support
for labor market resource mapping and optimization research with the Jobs Creation Commission of Ethiopia
to identify options for restoring river systems in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations in Indonesia, focusing in Riau province, Indonesia
to increase engagement with Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit (SPOTT) assessed companies, buyers, and financiers, to support sector wide improvements in SPOTT scores, and support companies in policy implementation
for general support
for data-driven investigations to drive public transparency and traceability in European biomass flows
to build a Canadian opposition movement that restricts the growth in the industrial use of forests for utility scale electricity