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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

to strengthen Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ movements for the recognition of community-based area management and the protection of natural resources in eastern Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

for the African Landscapes Dialogue to strengthen grassroots capacity for locally-led and landscape-level sustainable rural development in Africa

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for the Bridge Collaborative to advance cross-sector (health, development, and conservation) solutions that promote sustainable and equitable outcomes

Funding Area: Global Climate

to work to redirect the production and use of bioenergy so that it contributes to—rather than undermines—energy decarbonization and climate stability and a partial conversion to general support

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support to avoid potential negative environmental and social impacts from the increase of biomass power generation projects in Japan

Funding Area: Global Climate

to avoid the negative environmental and social impacts of biomass power generation and biomass fuel procurement promoted by Japanese companies

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support to avoid potential negative environmental and social impacts from the increase of biomass power generation projects in Japan

Funding Area: Global Climate

to support the continued uptake of credible sustainability standards within the Chinese context, with a view towards mitigating global deforestation and supporting enhanced biodiversity