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Funding Area: Global Climate

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for strengthening indigenous people rights and village-based sustainable development in Papua

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for activating regional hubs to strengthen the network of women and youth changemakers in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for documenting and leading on forest cover knowledge and ecological fiscal transfers (EFT)

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for the collective movement for restorative economy at scale in Indonesia

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to conduct life a cycle assessment research on combustion impact for biomass

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support to foster a resilient ecosystem for thriving civic space through cross-issue networking, dialogue, and movement-building

Funding Area: Global Climate

to inform policymakers on the climate and other environmental impacts of biofuels and on low carbon fuel policy design

Funding Area: Global Climate

for core support for securing a just energy transition and emissions reduction for indigenous peoples and local communities in Indonesia