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Funding Area: Ocean

Funding Area: Ocean

for the coordination of NOSSA, a network of civil society organizations in Northwest Mexico focused on improving the operation and budget of natural protected areas

Funding Area: Ocean

for core support of NOSSA, a network of civil society organizations in Northwest Mexico focused on improving the operation and budget of natural protected areas

Funding Area: Ocean

for core support to increase the Galapagos penguin population by maintaining high-quality nesting sites and monitoring penguin breeding activity, as well as supporting educational and conservation efforts in the region

Funding Area: Ocean

for research and monitoring of Galápagos penguin nesting and foraging and related public outreach activities including publication and distribution within the Galápagos of an educational booklet

Funding Area: Ocean

to protect threatened seabird species across the Americas through restoration of breeding colony sites, reducing mortality from bycatch in fisheries and collisions with infrastructure, conducting research, and raising awareness

Funding Area: Ocean

to protect seabirds across the Americas through colony protections, ensuring that marine birds and humans have access to marine resources, keeping clear pathways to movement and ecosystem connections, finding the last strongholds and securing nesting places, and exploring connections to human culture and activity

Funding Area: Ocean

to elevate the profile of marine birds within the conservation community through coordinated communications that demonstrate the connections between marine ecosystems and seabirds

Funding Area: Ocean

to extend the work of the environmental DNA (eDNA) Collaborative including support for equitable standards