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Funding Area: Ocean

Funding Area: Ocean

for core support to generate scientific data through collaborative efforts and to share important findings to improve fisheries management, habitat and species conservation, and resource sustainability in the Gulf of California and Mexican marine ecosystems

Funding Area: Ocean

for Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2024 and 2025 and Sanctuary Indigenous leadership

Funding Area: Ocean

for the US Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) & Labor Rights Coalition

Funding Area: Ocean

for support of China NGOs for marine environmental protection

Funding Area: Ocean

for media and coalition-building work to clear the path for offshore wind in California

Funding Area: Ocean

for a research project to understand impacts and identify opportunities to enhance equity, resilience, and sustainability in seafood-reliant communities

Funding Area: Ocean

for research, monitoring, community engagement and other activities in support of work with the Tribal Marine Stewards Network

Funding Area: Ocean

for a pilot assessment of ocean-reliant communities in China and the role of women in marine fisheries and aquaculture

Funding Area: Ocean

for project support to equitable implementation of the 30×30 goal through the Espacios Costeros Marinos de Pueblos (ECMPO) system in Chile and core support to the Red de Mujeres Originarias por la Defensa del Mar

Funding Area: Ocean

for a campaign to end oil and gas leasing sales in the Gulf of Mexico