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2024 | April

Women Lead the Way

A look back at Women's History Month


Dear <<First Name>>,

Welcome to the first edition of The David and Lucile Packard Foundation newsletter. Through this quarterly compilation of news, announcements, and stories of impact, we hope to cultivate a sense of community and shared purpose. We invite you to join us in working with people and communities to create enduring solutions for just societies and a healthy, resilient natural world.   

In March, we celebrated the remarkable women who are at the forefront of positive change. Their stories, from founding new scientific fields to reimagining reproductive care, remind us of the power of women leadership and determination. 

We also introduced our new visual identity that emphasizes the interconnectedness of our approach to achieving a just and equitable world where people and nature flourish. The new design demonstrates how, just as individual threads come together to form a strong fabric, people and communities unite to achieve enduring solutions. 

Thank you for being a part of our community. Together, let’s continue to weave a brighter and more equitable future for all. 


Nancy Lindborg 
President and CEO 
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation 

Foundation Focus

Leading by Example: The Women Shaping Tomorrow’s World 
When we picture the future we’re working toward, women are not just a critical piece of the vision; they are its heart and soul, inseparable and essential. 
Read their stories
Propelling Progress: Our Next Chapter in Global Reproductive Health 
Our new Reproductive Health initiative is designed to expand and accelerate progress on reproductive health and gender equity throughout South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Learn more.
Open Call for Statements of Interest  
As part of our newly launched Children and Families initiative, the Foundation seeks to learn about and connect with organizations working to support pregnant people, moms, and families with children birth to age three in Fresno County. 
Learn more.

Fostering Equitable Grantmaking through Indirect Cost Coverage 
We’ve updated our approach to covering indirect costs, or the expenses of doing business that are necessary for an organization to operate. Learn more.
Introducing our New Visual Identity 
Our new visual identity emphasizes the interconnectedness of our approach to achieving a just and equitable world where people and nature flourish. Learn more.

Grantee Perspective

Team Updates

Mimi Alemayehou
Joined the Board of Trustees
Ellen Clear
Named California
Communities Director
Ben Chou
Inaugural Democracy, Rights, and Governance Program Officer

We work with people and communities to create enduring solutions
for just societies and a healthy, 
resilient natural world.
©2024 The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, All rights reserved.
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