My research focuses on nanoscale device physics, at the boundary where photons interface with phonons, spins, and superconductors and the strong light-material interaction gives rise to new opportunities in classical and quantum regimes. One such example is the gradient optical force phenomena we have experimentally demonstrated for building chip-scale cavity nano-optomechanics. Another example is waveguide superconducting nanowire detectors for unity efficiency photon counting in integrated quantum photonic circuits. There are also a handful of other fascinating phenomena we’ve just started to investigate: single photon microwave-to-optical frequency conversion, chip-scale frequency combs, enhanced light-spin interaction in magnetophotonic cavities, nonlinear dynamics of coupled resonators, photon qubit generation in crystalline waveguides and chipscale precision clocks. These research topics are among the most exciting areas of nanoscience – they not only are fundamentally intriguing but also may lead to promising technology, which we are actively pursuing for a range of real world applications.